Request for Proposal

Thriving Neighborhoods Fund

Help us assess the collective impact of our work in neighborhoods across Detroit!
The deadline for the proposal to be submitted is March 29 at 11:59PM.

If you have questions regarding the proposal submission process, please contact Julia Sommers at

To attend the informational session on this RFP on Monday, March 18 at 2:00 pm, please contact Andrea Scobie at

In 2022, the Gilbert Family Foundation established the Thriving Neighborhoods Fund (TNF), engaging 20 nonprofit organizations working to improve the quality of life for Detroit residents by investing in public space activation and other programming that creates more vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods. These organizations receive funding support to scale and deepen their work in Detroit; curated educational resources to strengthen their operations; and targeted technical assistance to build organizational capacity. The goal of the program is to empower our neighborhoods by uplifting the organizations and individuals who are already deeply invested in, and connected to, the needs of the community.

The Gilbert Family Foundation seeks a consultant to design and administer an impact and process evaluation of the Thriving Neighborhoods Fund over a period of 20 months (April 2024 – December 2025), overlapping with Years 2 and 3 of a three-year program. The goal of the evaluation is to provide qualitative and quantitative data on TNF’s efficacy, including grantee experience and growth throughout the program.

Proposals should:

  • Outline an approach to assessing the initiative’s achievement of its objectives, including:
  • Efficacy of resources to strengthen Grantee’s organizational capacities
  • Specific areas of Grantee growth and ongoing needs
  • Review of programmatic design and delivery
  • Lessons learned
  • Potential next steps or future iterations
  • Proposals may include additional processes and deliverables not outlined in this document.

The learning from the evaluation will, in turn, support the Gilbert Family Foundation’s larger interest in understanding the contributions of public space development and arts and culture activities in neighborhood improvement. Therefore, key data and analysis provided by the consultant may be used in conjunction with GFF data sets to build an understanding of the Foundation’s work across grantmaking programs at a neighborhood scale. Evaluation may take into consideration data made available by GFF.

The ideal partner will match the Gilbert Family Foundation’s culture of purpose and passion for Detroit, and/or for collective community impact. We are committed to exceptional service and experience in everything that we do, and we seek an aligned partner who will live these values with us. The partner we select will be equally as committed to delivering the best experience possible to residents of the city of Detroit.